Would You Do It All Over Again?

3 min readDec 12, 2023


First You Do It For Love…

“Writing is like sex. first you do it for love, then you do it for your friends, and then you do it for money“ ~Virginia Woolf

Well, that’s Ms. Woolf for you; there isn’t much in which her and I agree on, and this isn’t an exception…but I can’t help but admire her for voicing her opinions…even if they irritated pretty much everyone! Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? …In all honesty… I am! 😂

But that statement is funny and daring, and I do enjoy that! Perhaps it was her truth. I don’t know.

However, I do know that when you are passionate about what you do, money, or any other result, shouldn’t be the goal. Those will come naturally. I say this because whenever one puts forth all of one’s energy toward accomplishing something, everything begins to flow as if by magic.

I also know that when you act with authenticity and for the right reasons, all the pieces will fall in the correct place.

Only that it isn’t magic. It’s the law of attraction at work.

It’s like when you hear someone like Tony Robbins speak. His passion for what he does is contagious and is what motivates people to follow his program.

Even if you are skeptical. His passion will transmit and grab you to the point that you will believe you can! That’s why he’s been so successful at what he does. Because passion is simply irresistible.

The trick is not to become attached to the outcome.

I admit that it takes guts. Not everyone is able to boldly risk comfort and security to follow an idea, a passion, a calling. One must be brave.

Bravery is not the same as fearlessness. I read somewhere that to be brave is to see and know the potential hardships, pitfalls, and consequences of a particular decision and doing it anyways.

That takes balls, or in my case ovaries; but it also takes a certain degree of pragmatism, and of course faith. Faith that it will all somehow pan out in the end. It takes letting go of the expectations for a certain outcome. Because frankly it could be even better than you could have ever imagined!

Those who have taken career risks, started businesses from nothing and with nothing except a vision or a dream, can probably identify.

Those that have made tough decisions of a personal nature. Those that took that leap of faith and threw themselves onto a free fall…not knowing if the parachute would open. Those that knew that hardships loomed ahead, that judgment, that trauma, and that heartache was sure to follow, and yet…did it anyways…know exactly what I’m talking about.

The question is: Would you do it all over again?

I would.




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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