“I Travel On Angel Wings”
I have been touched by an angel. Multiple events in my life have proved this to me without the shadow of a doubt; and I’m compelled to talk about it. Sometimes I even feel that I am supposed to tell others.
I have lived a charmed life and been given many gifts. The most valuable are insightfulness and fearlessness. Because of this I feel completely comfortable traveling by myself and taking chances that some wouldn’t even consider. I guess that the best way to say it is that I feel accompanied and protected all the time. When I trust and surrender, all just flows and works like magic. It’s beautiful to watch from a place of mindfulness.
A few years ago I was in Cuzco, Peru, where I met an Argentinian woman that was staying in the same hotel. She was a striking figure in that she had the kind of look in her eyes that told me that she saw more than others are able to see. She was accompanied by a younger man that had the same slightly odd look as well.
I gravitated to her and listened as she spoke about her travels. She and her partner had been traveling with the Q’eros for the past 25 days. Sometimes even sleeping in holes in the ground. The Q’eros are a group of indigenous Indians that live at the highest altitudes in the Andes Mountains in Peru. They are the direct descendants of the ancient Incan people and the keepers of the ancient knowledge. The Q’ero are the the most respected Shamans in the whole Andean area because they have lived, dressed and practice the traditions as the Incas did. They work with a great connection with the Cosmos, they are conscious of a whole living world and remind us that we are sacred as everything in this world. I was mesmerized with their story and confirmed that these were two very special persons.
She began to explain how we all have our personal “guides” and how our personality usually reflects the personality of our guide. So for example, if my guide is childlike, I will act childlike. I found this a novel concept and I began to ask her questions. I said, “When you say “guides”, are you referring to angels?”. I was sitting on a stool very close to her. She looked at me and said “Yes, you may call them angels”. I then said, “Because I have a very strong connection with my angel…I even have a name for him. We are close and I can call him at will sometimes”
I felt this was a person that would understand what I was saying. She looked at me, smiled, and said “I know, I’m seeing him. He is very close to you. But there is also a woman standing near you… she maintains her distance and lets him do all the talking… but she is there… I see her clearly. You have two angels”. She then told me that the light surrounding them is blue, which means that they could be connected to the Archangel Michael. She also said that perhaps it would be better if I only call on them when I really need them. Honestly, I felt a little affronted by this and said, “I can’t do that. We don’t have that type of relationship. We are friends. I don’t call my friends only if I need them”. I truly feel that way.
I am not particularly religious or not at all, in the sense that I don’t follow any organized religion. However, I am deeply spiritual and very connected to nature. I do realize that not everyone is the same, and that to some, all this may sound a little crazy. However, I know what I know. I feel what I feel. I feel and I know my spirit guide… I know my angel.