“To Be Utterly Free”
I’ve learned that inspiration comes when you least expect it.
The year 2019 began with a relief ending of a bad relationship; then a burst of energy; followed by a bang.
My energy was boundless and I felt completely free. I was free of romantic entanglements, and of any attachments to another person. I don’t ever remember feeling like that before. Definitely not as an adult!
The child in me was unleashed. I was consumed with life and living. I followed every hunch and had never been so opened to suggestion. I felt limitless and explored all sorts of new things…like ceramics, drawing, Pilates, etc. Photography had always interested me, so I invested on a Fujifilm Xt3 camera; joined photography clubs, attended meetups, and took up professional lessons. Every day there was something new and someone new to meet. My creative nature had been slumbering for most of my life; and it wanted… no… needed to be released…and it felt so good!
I also resumed my attempt at writing a memoir. I signed up for writing workshops that forced me to read out loud what I had written on the spot. It helped me to face my fear of being judged a terrible writer. I was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone, and I learned not to care. It was powerful and exhilarating to finally let go of those personal fears and insecurities that were holding me back. Truthfully, to be fearless is to be free.
I had decided to sign up for a little workshop that turned out to be a mixture of writing and manifesting ones desires through creating postcards that were then sent to the Universe. The idea behind it was that these manifestations would then become a reality. I thought I was attending a writing workshop so I was taken a little by surprise. However, like everything else in my life, I just went with it.
The moderator was a writer that was in the process of creating a book about the very same subject. She begins by giving us a little personal background and goes on to talk about how her editor and writing coach was offering a workshop in Ireland the following May. In all honesty, I cannot tell you what else she said after that…all I could think about was that I had to go to Ireland…I had to attend that workshop. I felt it with an urgency that was unfamiliar and unexpected. It is no surprise that my postcard was single-mindedly all about traveling and writing.
Hence, it was during this writing meetup that one of the greatest adventures of my life was born.
Next story… Ireland Unplanned