I was fighting against the current. My limbs were getting tired; and it seemed I was paddling in place!
“Have you ever gone Paddle boarding?” If you have, then you know how challenging it can be if you are not going with the flow.
So, I decided to take a break, lay down on my quite comfortable board, and rest.
I covered by face with my hat and closed my eyes. Suddenly all my senses sharpened! I could feel the ocean flowing under and around me. The board was swaying and dancing with the waves… sort of lulling me away.
The sun was heating my body and I heard the occasional seabird as he excitedly announced it had spotted his “lunch”.
The riggings of the boats anchored nearby created their own melodies in concert with the wind…and the breeze caressed and cooled my skin.
“Ahh…this is the life”…was my last thought…before I fell asleep.
Yes, I fell asleep on top of my paddle board as it drifted floating aimlessly away…not unlike one of those little paper boats we make when we are children.
I don’t exactly know how long I was in “dreamland” until something woke me up.
It seemed that I had traveled at least one quarter of a mile. Thankfully toward an enclave full of colorful sailboats. Phew! 😅
A friendly manatee was right behind me…so I figure that he must have bumped me and woken me from my peaceful slumber. I thought, «as usual, my guardian angels were taking care of me»…so I thanked them and also the manatee!
I paddled to take a closer look at the four pretty sailboats bobbing right in front of me. As I did, their names were revealed to me one by one…ADVENTUROUS…TRAVELER…UNPLANNED…and the last one…HAPPY.
I was struck! They seemed to be speaking to me and about me…
You may think…“Coincidence?”
I think NOT.😳