Sometimes TV ads spark a thought. Those are definitely meant to spark emotion and I have to admit that they usually do.
During one World Cup match, there was one such inspirational line. It said, “Wish for the extraordinary”…and I thought …why not? If you are going to wish for something…anything…why would you wish for something ordinary? Instead wish for the difficult…the impossible!
I cannot stop thinking about it ever since. What extraordinary thing would I wish for?
I can always wish for the world to be at peace…or for all people on earth to be fed, healthy, and free to be themselves, or just to be free. We all know that THAT is frustratingly possible…yet it would be extraordinary.
Maybe I should wish for the powerful people and entities to open their hearts. Let’s face it…just the Saudis alone could take care of the problem. There really is no need for anyone at all to be suffering due to lack in this complicated world of ours.
I do find it interesting that my mind didn’t immediately go to wishing for the typical self centered wishes. By that I mean like wishing for the love of my life to magically appear. Haha! Maybe I should wish for a Prince to sweep me off my feet…like in the fairytales. However, honestly, I’ve always felt that character to be kind of shallow. He usually doesn’t even know the girl in question. How could he possibly be in love?! It disappoints me. Usually the case in real life too!😆
If I were to run into a Genie, I would be in serious trouble. Especially if only one wish is to be granted. In that case, I best wish for something that will make all else possible. Yes… a tall order.
What could possibly make all else possible?
A question without an easy answer. However, it would be nice!
I’m imagining a world in which everyone is be able to live the life they really want. Shallowness doesn’t exist…it’s a thing of the past. Men and women have meaningful relationships and are able to see past the superficial. Empathy, sympathy, and understanding is commonplace in this world instead of the exception; and we take care of each other.
Does it sound a bit like Nirvana to you? Yes… I agree. Well…all I can do is WISH!
What would you wish for?