Thinking Drama Free
It’s 4 o’clock in the morning, and I can’t seem to sleep.
In this silence, I and can hear the smallest noise, I can hear every drop of rain that hits my window. These are the moments that I wish I had a warm body next to me. Mostly for comfort. The problem is that just not any body will do. I don’t worry because I know that company will come…it is only a matter of time. It always does.
So I settled to watch a movie that I love called “Something’s Gotta Give”, which I believe has become a classic. To me, the interesting part of this movie, is the character Harry Sanborn who is played by Jack Nicholson. This is an intelligent and interesting man that had never been able to commit to a relationship. He was 63 and yet insisted on hanging on to his youth by dating much younger women. Women that he knew would not present a challenge for him and would be easy to manipulate. Therefore making them, in fact, uninteresting. An easy out for him. However, he experiences a heart attack, and he undergoes a personal change. This close encounter with his mortality has the effect of waking him up… finally. Harry begins to realize that he needs to be with someone he can actually relate to. Suddenly he starts to appreciate and like what he had not allowed himself to before. He falls in love for the first time in his life with Erica Barry, an accomplished playwright, intelligent, and beautiful woman, who is played by Diane Keaton.
Of course, then there’s the story of Erica Barry. Simultaneously, she falls in love with Harry…but he is still confused and fighting what all his instincts are telling him; so she is forced to move on. Then…after a lot of crying (hilarious) she entertains a relationship with Julian, an adorable good looking doctor who is more than 20 years younger than her, played by Keanu Reeves. He, on the other hand, is not confused at all, and definitely knows what he wants. Very refreshing!
It’s funny that in researching how to spell “Keanu”, I ran into an article that talked about how Keanu Reeves, who is 57 years old, has an age-appropriate girlfriend. Haha!
As viewers, we want Harry to act and not let Erica get away…even though as a woman, I wished that Erica would fall in love with Julian. I felt he treated her right from the beginning. Didn’t play stupid games. He was drama free, and knew what he wanted. However, at the end, Harry, takes a chance, a risk, and flies to Paris to find her; and we all love that. It was a brave and decisive action. Julian realizes that she is still in love with Harry, and because he loves Erica,…he let’s her go. Lovely, mature, drama free, and so Julian-like behavior. I still like him better!!! Haha!
I think that this movie has become a classic because it touches on reality. Everyone can relate to this story somehow. Men and women may play a lot of games, but at the end, intelligent folks seek good company, intelligent conversation, someone to laugh with, someone that brings out the best, and a relationship that flows easily in every way. There comes a moment in our lives that “drama” gets and feels old and tiresome. Therefore, we then choose to live real and honest lives.
Do what you want and say what you will. Yes. That’s the truth!