2 min readNov 14, 2021

The Sticker

Some time ago I bought a sticker that said, “Let Go- attachment is suffering”.

BINGO! That’s IT in a nutshell. I know that one can find stickers and messages like that all over the place… but I had never seen it written so directly and concisely. Also, I didn’t find it in just any place… I found it in a place called Cassadaga. This is a tiny town near the east coast of Florida and about four hours north of Miami.

Imagine a town full of psychics, mediums, tarot readers, astrologers, healers, and I’m guessing maybe witches! It’s is a haven for spiritualism in every form. It also has a very interesting bookshop, as well as a hotel that dates back to the 1800’s. It appears to be, and it is said, that it is haunted. I bet it is! You can also bet I won’t stay there!

The hotel gift shop is my favorite. There you can find everything from spiritual literature to energy rocks… to “love potions”! Haha! It’s also a place where you can go to the counter and book a session with the psychic or medium “on call”.

It’s fun, different, and I truly enjoy the feeling and the energy of the place. This is also where I found the begotten sticker. I am still trying to find a place to stick it. It really is such an important reminder that no place seems good enough!

To let go of attachments is a never ending job. Because I have come to realize that any type of attachment does mean suffering. Whenever you feel that you can’t live without… it will mean suffering.

It could be attachment to succeeding…or to the idea of what success means. It could be attachment to money or to material things… so much that when you do realize you can’t take it with you, it is usually too late. It could also be to a person, or the “illusion” of who that person could be…which is very dangerous because it will appear to have no flaws. It could also be to a house…without realizing that home is truly where the heart is; attachment to a drug or to alcohol (which is a drug) is just setting yourself up for failure or disappointment. Ahhh…and don’t get attached to a routine… that is a killer… killer of spontaneity and change. The spices of life!

That is why that particular sticker deserves a special place. I may replicate it and stick it everywhere so that I never ever forget the message. So simple. Let the flow of life take you. Truly live without expectations…because that is the root of disappointment. Know that the unplanned moments are always the best. Just Let Go!


Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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