“The Matter With Online Dating”

3 min readMay 25, 2021


Let’s say that you go into the mall to buy a pair of shoes. You go into the first shoe store and miracles of miracles, you see the perfect pair. You look at them, touch them, ask for your size, and try them on. They are a good fit, comfortable, and beautiful.

However, you don’t buy them just yet. What if there are prettier ones in the store next door? What if there is a cheaper pair somewhere else? What if? What if? The reason is because you need to make sure that next store doesn’t offer a better choice. So, you keep on shopping and shopping…and more shopping. You go from store to store looking for a better option to that first one that you really liked. After you have tried a zillion other pairs you realize that the first pair was it. You then go back to the first store, the one with the perfect shoes…but oops…they no longer have your size or the store is closed. Opportunity missed.

This is the same thing that happens on the dating apps. People keep on “shopping”. There’s what appears to be a smorgasbord of choices. The reality is that that smorgasbord is not real. Many of the men and women in these apps are unavailable. They are either in relationships or married and are just playing or fulfilling some desire or need for attention. This is why it’s a good idea to immediately press for a meeting. Once pressed, those will go away and disappear very fast.

I’m not even going to go into the ones that are just looking for a hook up. That’s a whole different story!

Then there is also the problem with those that will text back and forth with no end in sight. Men and women that prefer to never make the move. Those like to hide behind the app veil. They may be too shy and insecure. It could also be that their photos are not true ones.

However, when you meet the normal or the organic way, you already know and like their physical appearance. You already know the timber of their voice…the voice can be very irritating sometimes! There are no photo filters, especially good angles, or ten year old photos to contend with. I also believe that, like animals, we either like or dislike someone’s scent. Even if we may not be aware of it. You know right away if the shoe fits! …and that is huge.

One would rarely be looking at someone else, if you are on a date with someone that you met and liked the normal way.

The fact is that scrolling through profile after profile in those dating apps becomes compulsory. I think that even after one has made contact and starts dating, one or both, usually keeps on using the app looking for other candidates. They don’t buy the shoes! I don’t understand it…returns are accepted!

It’s almost like FOMO… fear of missing out. This behavior is not normal, not healthy, not conducive to really finding a partner.

I seriously prefer to meet the normal way. There are really so many places and ways to do it. It could be at a restaurant, at a party, the beach, in an elevator, grocery store, in a seminar, at work, while traveling, blind date, or even walking your dog. If it is meant to happen…it will!

What is your opinion?




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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