
3 min readNov 11, 2023


Prepare yourself for a bit of a ranting…😤

From one woman’s point of view ✌🏻

One of the newest additions to the Oxford dictionary. Believe it or not.

However, I think it was misspelled…it should have been “situationshit”.

The definition goes something like this:

a romantic or sexual relationship that is not considered to be formal or established.

Really? Well…first of all… “romantic” should be definitely eliminated from that definition…


if you think otherwise then all I have to say is…“sorry but you must be delusional”… or “ok…go ahead and fool yourself”…either one works.

I hear this term bounced around quite a lot lately and it always annoys me. What the heck is that anyways except an eternal limbo state?

I really dislike indecision…and I abhor to be in limbo…and this seems to me to be the ultimate manifestation of both. That is of course if there are expectations on either end of the equation.

Psychotherapist and author Jonathan Alpert explains it like this:

Less than a relationship, but more than a casual encounter or booty call, a situationship refers to a romantic relationship that is, and remains, undefined. “A situationship is that space between a committed relationship and something that is more than a friendship,”

There is that “romantic” word again…🙄

Yeah…I get it… it’s complicated…well…not really

5 plus 5 will always equal 10!

Let’s call a spade a spade; shall we?

Everyone knows exactly what is going on here. Generalizing of course, those situations are riddled in one end, with men (some will be married or in relationships) that want sporadic liaisons and of course not make any kind of commitment,…and in the other end, with women that pretend that’s ok with them and that it’s fun for them; and it probably is…until it isn’t anymore.

Vive la petite difference!

I’m of the opinion that most of the time the women involved will have more difficulty dealing with these situations. I believe that more often than not, they will end up feeling hurt. Mainly because women and men truly are different.

After all, women are the ones that open up and have to consent and accept the invasion in their bodies. They are the receptacles. That makes all the difference in the world. Most men don’t seem to understand this nuance.

Most likely, a typical woman won’t be able to accept this for long and there will be a bit of a mess at the end. That is the plain truth.

So perhaps the men out there looking to engage in this type of behavior should make sure that the victim… sorry I meant girl😉…really understands and is able to handle it emotionally.

Here is an idea💡 …Maybe act like a man and use your words to explain it clearly instead of leaving it so* undefined?

It seems only like the right thing to do. Because after all the right thing to do is never wrong.

Yes it should definitely be spelled “situationshit”…or some bullshit like that. 😇




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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