Rainy Day Inspiration
I think I’m growing gills!
I live in Miami, Florida and it has been raining and raining … and raining these last few days. Miami is a swamp of humidity in the summer months and when it rains it feels like I’m living inside a steam bath. I particularly dislike steam baths.
However, there is something sort of freeing about these kind of days. These rainy annoying days allow me to relax. It’s like getting permission to stay home and “vegetate”. I don’t feel guilty just laying on my blue sofa in front of the TV and binging on Netflix, or watching my favorite movies again and again. I must have seen them a thousand times… but they make me happy.
I happen to love the sound of the raindrops as they hit my roof and land on my patio. I love the sound of them hitting my window. The day may be dark so it calls for soft lighting and background music…most likely Andrea Bocelli. The setting is romantic in its own way. Humm… I recall one particularly wonderful rainy day I spent in bed all day… making love. It was wonderful❣️
The picture in my mind’s eye is this one: imagine the sound of rain, it’s a stormy day, I feel chilly so I wear fuzzy socks…soft light illuminates my home…soothing inspiring music blares from all my strategically placed speakers, a good book, pasta with butter and cheese, maybe hot chocolate or ice cream… the TV is muted but playing one of my favorite movies. A movie I have seen so many times before that I don’t need to hear the sound…because I know it by heart. I sit on the comfy sofa and my love wraps me in his arms, and we just enjoy the silent movie (this last part is in my imagination… lol).
It sounds great! Doesn’t it? I’m actually now looking forward to the next stormy day!