3 min readAug 26, 2021

“Opportunity Knocks Once”

How many opportunities have you allowed to pass you by in life? I have trouble pronouncing the word “opportunity” sometimes. However, I have no trouble recognizing it when I see it.

The definition of opportunity is «an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do».

I think that pretty much summarizes how I have chosen to live my life. I grab the opportunity when it presents itself.

It is rare that I will let it pass me by. I have learned not to, because every time I have done so in the past, I have regretted it. Without fail! I live by the thought that it’s better to make the mistake rather than to never know; to get lost rather than to never embark in the journey; or to lose rather than to never risk anything. The feeling of “If only…”, or “What if…” is a killer, and one that I refuse to contemplate when my time in this world expires.

It was the enlightened French writer and philosopher Voltaire that said, “Present opportunities are not to be neglected; they rarely visit us twice.” I couldn’t agree more.

Opportunities do come knocking in our lifetime in so many different ways. It may be a passing comment by a stranger about a trip of a lifetime, or it could be a chance to do something you’ve always wanted to do…a circumstance presents itself so that you can have that adventure you have always dreamed about! How about when you meet that person that feels just right…or the love of your life? It could also be an opportunity to make money. Whatever it is, it will always always force you to throw caution to the wind and act!

The one thing I have noticed is that opportunities always come attached to a risk. It will always involve some kind of risk… therefore decision. The universe tests you. It’s like it says, “Here it is…come get it…I’m providing it to you…how much do you really want it?”

I believe it was Sir Winston Churchill that said “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”… Haha! I think that makes me an optimist!

I am, and have been for a long time, a great student of the Abraham-Hicks laws of attraction theory. Long before “The Secret” little condensed book version made it popular. I think people seek answers all the time. There is even a Netflix movie about it now. So it stands to reason that I firmly believe that there is a force in the universe that wants me to be happy, this force is like a vortex of energy that works to make all my desires become a reality…I manifest what I want, and it will present me with the opportunity to have it. However, it cannot make me take it. I must do that myself or it it will pass me by. It may never present itself again. I think that is what Voltaire was talking about.

It’s just common sense! Unfortunately, I must quote Voltaire once again “Common sense is not so common”.


Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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