Personally, I love to be surprised. That is one reason I buy a one-way ticket nine out of ten times. Do you like to be surprised?
I simply dislike knowing how or when my trip will end. To that end, I really don’t even want to know where I will return from! So there…that is my simple explanation.
This is my way of “going with the flow” of life. We hear that phrase often. People bounce it around a lot; but I feel that most of the time, it’s not done with mindfulness… therefore it’s like being a poet with empty words.
Hands down, the very best times of my life have been the unplanned ones. The most memorable moments, relationships, funny things, and moments that have changed me and my life forever, have always come as a surprise. They have been unexpected.
Going with the flow is allowing for the surprises of life to surprise you…
Those surprises that can only come in your life when you leave that metaphorical door open. Think about it…buying a return ticket before the trip even begins, pretty much closes the door to possibilities. Planning every minute of everyday for that matter, just doesn’t allow for the universe to manifest itself. There’s no room for what will be.
It’s not about the ticket per say… it’s about the attitude. It’s about relaxing and allowing for spontaneous moments to happen.
What I mean is that only when one is open to suggestion; open to experiencing; open to change; open to surprises; open to the unexpected, only then is when life’s force, God, the Universe, divine energy… whatever you want to call it, is able to do its thing… and it wants to please you… it wants to see you happy. It is only then…when you leave the door open, that your manifestations begin to come true.
This is exactly what is meant when it’s said “life begins when you step out of your comfort zone”. The reason that is said is because that’s when you open an energy portal into your life and then really begin to live. And not just any life…or just a good life…you will live a SPECTACULAR life.