And I didn’t know it.
The Swiss born English writer and philosopher Alain de Botton said, “People only get interesting when they start rattling the bars of their cages”.
“A Person Only Gets Interesting…”
I find this quote fascinating. It touches on something I’ve written about many times in the past.
Most people do live in a cage…albeit of their own making. Sometimes however, you are born in it; but few realize it.
I find that even more interesting.
These cages are hard to see because they have invisible bars. Not unlike the invisible chain that prevents elephants from stomping away from their imaginary confinement.
I know I used to live in one of those cages years ago. Probably even before I married and began to live the life that I was always “expected” to live. I have to say that it was a beautifully decorated cage. Sort of like the inside of the genie’s bottle. But a cage never the less.
However, in the background, the essence of who I truly am was always there. This strong essence was preventing me from accepting and embracing the role that was given to me.
We all play roles in our lives. We are great pretenders. Sort of like actors and actresses.
Perhaps, there are times that the actor portrays a role that is perfect for him or her… and then those win an Oscar! Good for them!
But, it could also be that the role is all wrong…and then the movie may be a flop. In my case, it was “Mission Impossible”!
However, when filming a “movie”, the actors are able to retake the scene many many times until it feels and looks right.
That’s not our case. We are more like actors in a live play. No retakes are possible. We only get the one opportunity to play it right and make it a success.
I went to see the new “Mission Impossible” movie a few days ago. It struck me that I was never given the option as to “accepting the mission”or not. At least I didn’t think I had a choice. But…it did prove to be an “impossible mission”! Hahaha.🙄
Now, I’m in touch with my real essence; my real self; and I strive to live how I was meant to live. I’ve pretty much stopped pretending as much as possible… and that can make some people very nervous. They just don’t know what to do with me or how to read me. They don’t realize that I’m actually very transparent. I’m like an actress that has gone rogue. 😳
Oh, I know that I still have some bars that I have yet to rattle. However, I do see them now!