2 min readSep 7, 2021

Metaphorically Speaking

As I was walking in my neighborhood this morning I noticed a pair of little kids running around while their nannies watched. It felt good to see children out there communing with nature and breathing fresh air. As I passed by them I hear the boy yell to the little girl, “I’m faster than you!” She then yelled back at him, “I’m going to put on my magical cape and you won’t be able to catch me…it gives me powers…you’ll see!”

Haha! I know that cape! It’s my favorite! I love wearing my over confidence cape that makes me feel more powerful than most. It’s also the one I wear when I have a tennis match. For example, the other day I was walking down a path next to the bay. I thought that I was walking very fast. However, a woman easily passed me by and I admit that I was a little surprised. After all, I was wearing my cape!

This got me thinking. Is it possible in life to put on a mental super magical cape? I think yes! And I believe we wear them all the time. There’s that cape that will deflect and protect you from bullets that come in the form of insults and or judgements. Also a cape that will give you the courage to face your fears and to do the seemingly impossible.

Fear is imaginary; but it’s also a cape that people put on sometimes. The thing is that if you wear the fear cape… you are in trouble. It has the effect of freezing you into non action. It can also bring on paranoia. You must shed it immediately!

As a woman that travels alone sometimes, I have been asked many times, “How do you do it? Aren’t you afraid that something bad could happen to you?” I should answer, “Actually, I cover myself with a metaphorical golden cape that must be as bright as the sun because it serves to illuminate the way, it blinds the bad, and it attracts the good. I call it my angel cloak and it works miracles. Seriously…it does!”

The truth is that I have made a choice to never wear the fear cape and I like it that way. I can’t even find it…I think I must have burned it!


Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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