Eavesdropping In My Coffeeshop

4 min readJun 29, 2021


I have been working out of my neighborhood coffeeshop for over the last ten years. Today I was sitting there thinking about nothing and everything, and it dawned on me that in this coffeeshop I have found inspiration many times. As I hear snippets of conversations around me, I see a micro encapsulation of life out there in here.

At this moment, two ladies have been talking about their divorce. A woman that was treated unfairly…no surprise there…different protagonists… but the same story I have heard many times before. Another snippet…“she has options… she is secure financially… she doesn’t need to settle…there is always time to settle for someone later on…she won’t find perfection…she can take her time and enjoy”. I couldn’t agree more.

There is a lively discussion about politics to my left. They are a group of Venezuelan and Cuban exiles discussing Venezuela and Cuba’s situation. I agree it sucks. I’m thinking that it may spin out of control because the conversation is emotionally charged… and there seems to be a “communist sympathizer” in the mix. I fear for his life or perhaps his teeth! Haha! I do realize he is not really “a communist”… he is one of those persons that likes to shock and stir up emotions. He is what I call an “emotional arsonist”. However, I can see it because I am not involved and I have a cool head… I cannot speak for the rest. In Miami, Florida, this could potentially get out of hand.

I observe a trio of men sitting across from me. One of them keeps looking my way. He is not bad looking and he seems nice. He may or he may not find an excuse to approach me… it has happened in the past. I hope not because I am not feeling it; but maybe the next time…who knows?. They seem to be talking business. Men really are from Mars and women from Venus. Women will always talk personal issues, relationships, kids… men will talk business, sports, or politics. Unless it’s a man and a woman talking… then anything goes. I find that I’ve always been a bit like a man in the sense that I enjoy talking money, business, and sometimes politics. I was never one to discuss my children to a great extent… I wasn’t a helicopter parent. Not ever. But beware…I can talk travel and human behavior until the cows come home!

Two younger folks are sitting at a table behind me. No conversation is going on there. Unless there are texting each other. I cannot help but feel that these two are just missing out. There is nothing that compares with face to face conversation.

Nothing like being able to appreciate the laughter on someone’s face when you say something funny; or to see the sadness in the other’s eyes when they talk of loss. Perhaps hearing the nuance of their voice when they are being facetious or sarcastic. There is no need for emojis then. It’s palpable! It’s a true feeling. That is why I prefer talking rather than texting. I believe that texting should be reduced to quick communications… definitely not to express feelings or reactions. So much of what is said is conveyed in our voice and also how we say it. It just lends itself to so much misinterpretation.

I also spy a budding romance in the far corner. Their body language tells me they like each other. I truly hope it works out. I’m a hopeless romantic and I wish I knew their story. I wish I could track their progress. Maybe I’ll make it up in my head.

A lady is talking with her laptop…Lol…I believe she is speaking in Portuguese. The diversity here is so evident. It is a true melting pot. I have been in multiple ladies tennis teams throughout the years. All these teams were made up of at least fourteen women. I can tell you that each team was like the United Nations! We are talking Japanese, South African, French, English, Italian, Estonian, Brazilian, Venezuelan, Cuban, Panamanian, Argentinian, Danish, Colombian…And the list goes on. This I love about Miami.

The waitress is happy to see me and I am happy to see her. She is originally from Peru. I had missed this place and these people during the closure due to the virus. It feels like homecoming. They will be closing soon so she brings me my caramel latte with a double shot of expresso before I ask for it. She says, “Porque sé que se te olvida” or “Because I know you will forget”. She knows I get distracted or immersed in what I’m writing or doing. It always surprises me and at the same time warms me.

As I look outside the window I notice it’s pouring rain again…I’m thinking that these folks know me better than my friends and definitely my family. Huh…something to think about.




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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