“Life As Episodes”
We were laughing as we recalled the funny things that happened during my recent three week stint in Spain and Portugal when someone said…“…this is better than a Netflix series!”
I thought, “This is interesting… this is not the first time I hear that!”. The first time I did, was by a man I met serendipitously in Lisbon. But perhaps, this is no coincidence. They say there are no coincidences in life…So what could that mean? Probably nothing!
Although, I do see my life as “episodes”. I’ve heard it say that life is a series of moments. As a matter of fact, people that have had a near death experience say that at that crucial moment, all they remembered was special moments in their lives. Like flashes in time. Perhaps it’s sort of like a crazy dream.
I am thinking that is the reason a like photography. It allows me to illustrate those moments in my life. To retain those wonderful moments through photographs, which in turn, stay in my mind as mental pictures. However, there are some moments that flash back as mental “episodes”. Like when I met a guy in Carmel by the Sea in 2016, and it somehow evolved into an impromptu date where we ended up in a jacuzzi overlooking the ocean…in our underwear. It was all innocent…seriously!
But then he took me flying on his little plane; which turned out to be a daredevil of a ride! I mean loops and turns… straight up and then down. I was turning green and thought I was going to die! …yes…that one would be fun to watch!
The point is that our lives are full of challenges to conquer, complicated romances or passing romances, and sadly also heartbreaks. Perhaps, we should call them “dramatic moments”.
Although, my favorites by far are the occurrences that could only be called “miracles”. Those moments that could only have been divine intervention. Or something as simple as the time in Ireland when I found myself inside the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen…it was simply amazing. I can say it was an uniquely spiritually poignant moment that I feel changed me forever.
Then there’s the drama.
I still have nightmares about the time I went out on a date with a “separated” man. Well…imagine my surprise when his wife showed up at the restaurant and actually sat with us!…(truthfully, I politely invited her to join us…hahaha!…good manners and all that …whatever!) It was like watching a movie playing in front of my eyes. I couldn’t get myself to leave. I just sat there; stock still and seeing the mortification on his face as he tried to send her messages with his eyes, I guess asking her to please take pity on him. However…I was also seeing how much she was enjoying his discomfort…nope…zero pity there! A discussion then ensued between them as to wether they were “separated” or not. Geez! Seriously?!
This was not a woman that was suffering or even surprised. She even talked about how they had had sex three days before! She said, “Oh so, when we had sex three days ago…it meant nothing?” His response was almost comical…he was sputtering and negating it and she just sat there smirking. I think she was truly having fun at his expense. Wow! True or not, I couldn’t believe it. Who does that?
All the while… as a woman I was thinking,…Why would she do this to herself? Why would she put herself in this position? Why would she lower herself in this way in front of another woman? But, on the other hand, I should have taken my wine and left (because it was a really good wine). I really didn’t need to put myself in that position either!
They say that everything happens for a reason. I believe that. Thinking about it, my angels were probably showing me the reality of the situation and opening my eyes to the truth. But then again, I guess I didn’t leave for a reason too. There’s the conundrum! One whole episode can be written about that one! Maybe even a season!
Tons of episodes to write about. However, I must confess, if it’s about my life, it will most likely be a “comedy”.