Life…A Never Ending Craft?

2 min readApr 2, 2023


I asked him, “How is your relationship going? Still in love?”

His answer …”my relationship is an ongoing craft…

Huh? What did that mean?

Initially, I thought “that sounds like an oxymoron”… because I’m thinking that a “craft” has a beginning and an end. But obviously there was more that meets the eye in that statement.

I happen to love oxymorons. What can I say?, I actually find them poetic…My love for these descriptive phrases is a bit of an oxymoron on itself. You can say it’s “interestingly uninteresting” or “surprisingly unsurprising” given the fact that I adore using words. Whatever it is, it’s “seriously funny”… okay…I just couldn’t help myself …I’m “unrepentantly sorry”. Haha! Oh well…🙄

But that statement did spur me into thinking. The question came up… “well, what is a craft?”. It turns out that it has several definitions; one of them being a “skill” used in deceiving others… like in being “crafty”. However, I believe (or hope) he meant it as the “verb” that is to “exercise skill in making something”…and hopefully crafting it lovingly!

I saw it clearly, my friend was “clearly unclear” or maybe “clearly confused”. I don’t know!.., but I had to stick these in.🤷‍♀️

Life is a craft”, he said… yes, we were getting philosophical…but I know that he was really referring to his relationship. I found this a novel concept. Perhaps a very honest one as well; and I was inspired…

The thing about “crafts” is that they are tricky. The material you are working with is of outmost importance and consideration. I happen to enjoy free hand ceramics… working with clay and molding it; seeing my vision come to life. However, there have been occasions when the piece I’m creating falls apart under the fire… maybe because the “scoring” that kept it together wasn’t right. It’s like when you build on sand without preparing a good foundation. If that is done, the structure, as in a relationship, will not withstand a storm. This I know first hand.

It’s like playing with a LEGO set…it’s impossible to make a round peg fit a square hole. Just like you cannot pretend that Elmer’s will glue heavy metal pieces.

Even though I metaphorically agree that life is like an ongoing craft, one thing is for sure; if you want the piece not to fall apart, you must make sure that the right materials are being bonded together.

Because in a relationship, just like in crafts, shortcuts usually spell trouble!

And that’s the truth.




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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