“Lack Of Faith?”
When I surrender to the tide… like a twig floating in the ocean… things begin to come my way.
The moment that I fight the current I begin to go under. The twig will always reach its destination and calmer waters if it just floats without resistance. Otherwise, it will go through almost drowning…to maybe getting stuck against an obstacle for a while… or even maybe getting swallowed by an alligator! Chances are that had it surrendered to the forces of nature, it would have reached shore much faster and devoid of suffering. I must allow myself to be one with the flow of life.
Knowing this, why do I still attempt to control things? Is it lack of faith? I admit that there is that element of doubt within me. I suppose it must be my ego. My ego doesn’t want to accept that it is not in control of my destiny. Honestly…none of us are. Oh, we may plan, we can aspire to goals…but in reality, “life gets in the way”, “shit happens”… and so on. We have all heard it.
I believe that there is a force in the universe that is working and conspiring to help me achieve my desires, that wants me to be completely happy…therefore, I must relax and embrace it with faith.
Let the current take me where it may!