Manifestation is what I’m talking about. Yes even the Gospels of Luke and Matthew alluded to it.
Mathew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. … “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for”
There is definitely a force in nature or as some prefer to say, the universe, that conspires to help us achieve what we want. The trick is to really feel it… really want it. That feeling becomes and is transmitted as energy.
When a thought and a wish are connected to a feeling, it is a given. You will get it… it will happen. It’s not an “if” or a “how”…it’s more like a “when”. It’s only a matter of time.
Have you ever noticed how things happen without explanation? Like when you meet that person that can help you do something you really want to do, at exactly the right time? Or it may be that information reaches you in an unexpected way… and just when you need it? It can also be that you meet that person…that catalyst that shows you the way out of a bad situation. It’s happened to me!
We tend to think that those events are coincidental… but in truth, there are no coincidences. It all happens for a reason and for you. The trick is to be able to recognize those opportunities when they present themselves, as what they are…the universe providing for your wishes to become a reality. Believe it or not…most people will not act on them… they will let those opportunities pass them by. Ergo the difference between those that grab opportunities and those that don’t. The difference is palpable and evident. One can see it in the financial level of success achieved or how happy and fulfilling their personal life is. There is a difference between those that are sure, brave, and clear, and those that are doubtful, fearful, and confused.
It’s important and frankly imperative not to send a confusing message. We must be very careful. For example…let’s say you “say” that you want to expand your business… however, deep inside you doubt…because you are really thinking that you want to retire. That is what you are feeling deep inside… so that is what will manifest.
Let’s say that you say you are not happy in your relationship…and you say you want out. However, you are afraid of the change, you are doubtful… you feel you cannot… so that is what will manifest.
In reality, that is one of the reasons why emotional and psychological therapy has become a tool that a lot of people are finding so useful. For the most part, is to help themselves clarify their purpose in this life. To clarify their real wishes. Through therapy or self help, they are able to shed confining doubts and fears that are preventing them from sending the right message to the universe. Remember that the Universe is just waiting to receive that clear message in order to help it become a reality.
It is really that simple. This is why it’s very important to actually know what you want and to engage your feelings, your energy. It’s important to be very clear. There is no room for ambiguity because you cannot fool nature. However, it’s very easy to fool yourself.
Keep on asking for what you want!