It’s Not My Movie
Empathetic persons beware. It’s easy to forget and to fall in someone else’s drama or fall into someone else’s movie…somehow get caught in someone else’s nightmarish merry-go-round. At these times, I must remind myself… “It’s not my movie”.
If I jump and get on someone else’s broken not so merry-go-round…I’ll do it knowing that getting bruised in the process might happen … but also knowing I can handle it. However, I’m very aware that energy vampires do exist…therefore, I tread carefully!
Some time ago I made this promise to myself. It was sort of a resolution on how I was going to live my life. I may have been inspired on something I read or not.. I don’t exactly recall, but it goes something like this;
To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind;
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet;
To make all my friends feel that they are special;
To look for the silver lining in every situation and make my optimism come true;
To think only the best; to work only for the best; and to expect only the best;
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own;
To forget past mistakes (because they are no mistakes) and focus on the now;
To use my words wisely;
To never assume;
To take nothing personally;
To always do my best;
To be happy at all times and smile at every living creature I meet;
To dedicate so much time to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others;
To be too large for worry; too noble for anger; too strong for fear; and too grateful to permit the presence of trouble;
To think well of myself and to tell it to the world. Not in words but by doing great deeds;
To respect myself and be true to who I am;
And to live in faith that the Universe is always on my side and good things are always coming my way.
This is my promise.😊