LIFE. It’s A Comedy To Me
“I think, therefore I am” said René Descartes. Yes I would agree. After all, one of the things that differentiates us from other animals, is our ability to reason things out.
What is life? Philosophers have struggled with this question forever. Should we take it seriously? I think I can safely say that they will never find the answer!
I read this quote the other day and it started me thinking. “Life is a comedy for those who think… and a tragedy for those who feel”.
I believe that the way we process decisions or adversities in our life has everything to do on wether we see things in a logical manner or if we are ruled by our emotions.
My father illustrated this for me a few years ago when he was in the process of writing his living will. You first must understand that he wishes to be kept alive by any and all means. He doesn’t care how long it takes. Apparently he is not looking forward to meeting his maker any time soon. I completely understand.
It followed that he had to choose an executor for his will. We are four siblings, close in age, and all well prepared individuals. However, he chose my sister, who is third in the line. But most importantly, she is also the one that always butted heads with him. They had always had a tempestuous relationship… so it came somewhat as a surprise to me when he decided on her.
I admit I was curious as to why he had leaned her way. Why would he choose the one of us with whom he had never gotten along? The curious side of me wanted to know so I asked him one day.
The answer he gave me made total sense! He said to me that it was very simple. He knew that my brothers and I, once convinced that there was nothing else to be done, would eventually reach the tough conclusion and make a final decision to turn off life support. He knew that once given all evidence to the futility of keeping it going, we would choose logically.
However, he felt that my sister was ruled mostly by emotion and would honor his wishes no matter what. He is most likely correct. At least that is what he is banking on! It blew my mind.
If you have the tendency to analyze things that happen and the why things happen…you are probably pragmatic by nature. If you are pragmatic…you will see the humor in most things. Even dark humor. You will ride with the punches…eventually laugh it off. Mainly because you will conclude that there is nothing to be done about it…so you might as well laugh.
On the other hand, if you see things through the spectrum of emotion, you will feel the world is ending. You may even feel it physically and it will take you a while to see any humor in it…if ever. You may feel frustrated, unlucky, and victimized. I can understand why people that see things more pragmatically may seem unfeeling and cold to these emotional beings.
But it’s not that people that analyze deeply feel less…on the contrary. It’s just that they will find solace in the logical. They will seek and find explanations for the unexplainable. Eventually they will conclude that there is no explanation why bad things happen sometimes. When there is no explanation then acceptance will follow. It was Shakespeare that wrote “Life is a tale… told by an idiot…” well…we all know that MacBeth was a depressing character…but that part I agree with! Haha!
Life is way too short to spend it suffering. If you are not having fun then change it; if not possible to change, then accept it; and let go of what you cannot control.
It’s better not to take things too seriously and to find the funny side of life. It’s better to accept that there are things that we cannot control so we better learn to roll with the punches and smile.
It may be a romantic comedy, a thrilling comedy, or a dark comedy, but life is a comedy nevertheless.
I do hope you laugh!