I’m a “words” person. I adore to use words…descriptive words; words that evoke feelings, bring out emotions, and I confess that at times I use them to create havoc or to shock.
However, I try to live my life according to Don Miguel Ruiz’s four agreements (key word being “try”). The first one in particular is probably the most challenging to me. It says, “Be impeccable with your word.”
It seems simple and yet it is so difficult at the same time. The message is straightforward…just like our words should be. The agreement of speaking with integrity, honesty, and truthfulness always.
Then it goes on to stipulate further…to say only what you mean; to speak of what you desire; and also to avoid speaking negatively about yourself or others (obviously the most challenging); and most important…to use your words in a positive direction of truth and love. Easy peasy.
Words once said are extremely difficult to take back. I’m sure you have all been in situations where you have said what you don’t really mean. I bet it has invariably gotten you in trouble. I also bet that it has made you feel like crap. I know I have done a few times in my life and that no matter how much time passes, I never forget.
Now I do my best to apologize quickly. That is…when I falter on living up to the agreement…which is sadly…all the time!
I began writing about this because I thought that the feeling achieved when you actually live up to it is “indescribable”. However, I have changed my mind. The word is “PEACE”.