I’m Following You!

3 min readJul 3, 2021


Followers….Following…these are new terms in our culture. It used to be that to be a “follower” meant that you were a non-leader, and to have someone “following” you meant you had a stalker!

It used to be that one didn’t want to be a “follower”. Now it’s acceptable, cool, and even expected. The other day I ran into an acquaintance in a social gathering and I found myself saying “Hi, I see that good things have been happening in your life…I follow you”. To which she replied… “oh yes, and I follow you… in fact I live vicariously through you”.

This made me think. We are living in a society where people are very concerned about what they portray to others. I do realize that most of the time it’s just for show. I once read a birthday card that made me laugh…it said, “I wish you as happy as people pretend to be in Facebook”. I did buy it!

In fact…I sometimes read things in Facebook that flabbergast me. For example, someone will write a very personal letter of love and admiration to her husband for their anniversary… only that the hubby is NOT a friend in Facebook… he isn’t even on it! So… I can’t help but think… what the f…k? Who is she trying to impress? Or perhaps fool? I can’t help but question how truly happy she is. I’m also sure this was not the reaction she was hoping for. I wish or hope she actually told him the words.

Another time I see messages to people that have passed away. Do they have Facebook in heaven? Huh, perhaps they know something I don’t! It’s just a funny time we are living.

I know of people that have thousands of “friends” in Instagram or Facebook. What?! That’s just truly impossible… at best… they are acquaintances… maybe. However, I ask myself; why would you want all these friends of friends, or friends of acquaintances, or acquaintances of acquaintances, knowing about your life? Looking at your family photos? Living vicariously through you? Or perhaps envying you? Hopefully they are actually happy for your perfect life. Hopefully they truly 👍🏼 what they see.

I personally mainly use Facebook for entertainment and as a way to save experiences chronologically and also save writing passages I like. I like to post jokes, motivational messages, or sometimes a link to an article I’ve written. I will post photographs when traveling or if I am particularly proud of a photo shoot. I do have to admit that I like it when people “like” or “love” my photos. In some strange way it “validates” that my photos may be good. Oh well…okay… so I need my “followers”…So be it!

I believe that there are some things that should always be kept private. I will not post anything that has to do with my love life, my political views, my finances, my health, or my future plans. So that means I can only talk about the weather! Haha! Nah…I always find what to talk about. Just like now!




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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