We all long to belong.
I admit it…I saw the Barbie movie this weekend. And I even wore pink!😂 Of course, the fact that Ryan Gosling was Ken might have had something to do with it!😉
I never had my own Barbie doll.🥲 This is one of the big traumas in my life. Yes, it seems ridiculous… and it is…but…it’s also the truth.
When I was a little girl, I didn’t like to play with dolls… mainly because I found them boring. I much preferred to be outside riding my bike, climbing trees, skating, or getting into mischief with my brother.
However, a Barbie was different…she had boobs, wonderful long hair, beautiful shoes and clothes, cool cars, and even her own house. Most importantly, she was a doll ahead of her time; there was nothing Barbie couldn’t be or do…and she even had a boyfriend!
As a young girl it was difficult to watch all my classmates playing with their Barbie. It made me feel like an outsider looking in. Since I didn’t have a Barbie, I didn’t belong in the Barbie club.
I’ve often asked myself, “Why would my mom do that?” Was she really that clueless? And then I think that it might had had something to do with the fact that, as dolls go, the Barbie couldn’t dance, talk, or ride a tricycle; and on top of that, she came with a lot of crap. Not a whole lot of bang for the money. At least from their point of view.
I sadly recall one occasion when we were in a toy store buying a gift for another girl. My mom told my sister and I to each choose a Barbie… and then she changed her mind and told us to ask Santa for it! Again!
To this day I’ve never understood why my parents never bought me one…even Santa Claus proved to be a disappointment year after year.
I bet it was precisely because she did have boobs and a boyfriend.🙄 🤔