Really, I was!
I think it’s interesting how this particular memory came to me as I was making a list of the pivotal moments in my life.
“I was chosen among all the girls in school to be the Virgin Mary.”
Yes! I was in the 2nd grade and I was chosen to be the star of the Christmas pageant. This was one of the greatest honors that could be bestowed to any girl in my school.
The truth is that I had not thought about it in decades; so I was surprised when this little moment was the first thing that came up in my mind, then flew out of my pen, and onto my notebook.
All the feelings came rushing back. I felt so special. It was definitely a boost to my little ego and to my self esteem. I felt beautiful (because you had to be beautiful to be picked to be the Virgen…right?). I even felt saintly… even though I wasn’t the best behaved little girl in school. Truthfully, I wasn’t meek or the quiet sort either; and sometimes it seemed that I was always looking for trouble. Thinking about it🤔… it was a total anomaly to have been chosen !
Life is a collection of moments, and I personally collect those. It’s said that those come as flashes, and that they are all you see at the end. Moments and memories are all you take with you. Moments.
I do wonder if the Sister that picked me to be the Virgin Mary, realized that her action would have such a pivotal effect in my life. It’s funny that something as silly as that, had the power to change my life forever. To change who I was… who I became, and to change how I saw myself.
We humans are simply complicated. Yes…we are oxymoronic!
I don’t know if Sister was conscious of it or not. However, I’m sure she had a good laugh at how I was forced to change my behavior to be deserving of the honor. Because suddenly I was a saint! 😇
Hmmm… maybe…just maybe…that was the reason why she picked me not only ONCE but TWICE ! Interesting thought…
Huh 🤔 I think she played me. 😂