I don’t know what to do…but I know what to do!
I have always believed that if I were to have followed my gut or my intuition every time I was faced with a decision… I would’ve always chosen the right path. The problem is that I didn’t. I let my mind override my intuition. I allowed preprogrammed concepts or ideas to control what I did or decided. This just resulted in me living someone else’s view of how my life should be.
I have come to realize that people admire when someone breaks away from convention. Imagine that we are people living inside a cage of our own making, and that we are all inmates in that same prison. What happens when one of the inmates escapes? All the other inmates are happy about it. They wish it had been them. Obviously, I’m speaking metaphorically… but it’s an interesting analogy. Because we do create invisible bars to keep ourselves in the life that has been expected for us.
Over one, or maybe two decades ago I read the well known novel called “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield. I truly feel that that book created a seismic movement or reaction in my body and soul. I came to a new awareness because of it. It was like an awakening. I suddenly could hear better; and I think that is when I could finally hear the metaphorical telephone ringing.
It’s like there had been an insistent ringing telephone in the background during my life which I chose to ignore. But the ringing just got louder and louder. As I have written about in my article titled Fully Awake, I most likely couldn’t hear it or I tried to drown the sound. Now imagine that I suddenly could hear it…I began honing in on the ringing. However, I didn’t answer the call until many years later… and it was driving me crazy. When I finally did, the call turned out to be my one time lifeline call. It was like God calling. I believe that divine force we call God, Universe, or whatever other name we choose to call it, wants us to be happy, and communicates with us through our intuition.
So yes, if I listen to my intuition, pick up the virtual phone call and listen to what is telling me, I will always know what to do.