Because sometimes you just know that you are the best choice.
Have you ever been in a spot where you want to say…“Wait…how about me?”
I recall one time in school when our coach wanted us to choose a school Captain for the school’s kickball league. This was a big deal…seriously.🙄
The coach went ahead and nominated two of us…myself and another girl; and then took it to a vote. This other girl was sort of my nemesis back then…a friendly nemesis; but we did compete somewhat.
Of course, I badly wanted to be Captain!
One by one, each girl went up to our coach and whispered their choice. However, when my turn to vote came, I doubted wether to vote for myself…it seemed rude and a bit egotistical somehow.
“I want to vote for me”, I whispered in her ear. “So do it then”, coach said. I did muster the courage and voted for myself. I figured that if I didn’t believe in me, then, why would anyone else?
However, I’ve never forgotten that moment of doubt and of almost succumbing to peer pressure.
I learned later that my opponent did not vote for herself. I guess she was embarrassed to do it. I get it…I was too! But a choice had to be made at that moment… and I made it. For better or worse.
I did win by only two votes…mine and hers. Yep.🫤
I believe that we both learned an invaluable life lesson there.