False Evidence Appearing Real

3 min readMay 21, 2023


Because it’s false. I’m talking about FEAR. Fear…the root of most evil in this world.

If you really take a look at what fear is and what it means in our lives, one can’t help but come to that conclusion.

If one believes that there is a force of good in the universe, then it follows that there is also an opposite force as well. I, for one, believe that the way that negative force presents itself is through creating fear. By making you believe you can’t.

That emotion we call fear has the capability of crippling us from living our lives to the fullest.

It could be fear of not having money…as a result then you just hoard it in the bank…and forget that it’s there for you to enjoy now.

It could also be fear of taking risks. This could also present itself as an irrational fear of flying in an airplane. Which is extremely limiting in todays day and age. However, more often than not, the reason you don’t take risks is because of the fear of failure. Which of course it’s inevitable in life…in fact, it’s probably our greatest teacher and very likely a necessary stepping stone to success.

What is preventing you from going for it? What ever it is. What is preventing you from going after the girl? Could it be fear of rejection?

I fear that many times fear manifests itself as insecurity. It is probably why you don’t go after that job you have always wanted.

For example, I suffer a little from fear of heights; therefore I don’t like suspended bridges… mainly because I fear that the bridge will choose to collapse just as I’m crossing it. Actually what I fear is…dropping to my death! 🥹

I must say that because I’m aware of that irrational fear, I have challenged myself to throw myself from mountains paragliding…and I’ve crossed suspended bridges in remote parts of the world…all alone…with no one to see me fall! I once took almost half a day to muster the courage to do it…but I did it. Obviously…the bridge held up…Phew!🙄

Be aware that fear is the way that that evil force takes ahold of us.

Atrocities have been committed throughout history by creating fear in people’s minds. Using fear tactics dictators stay in place for way too long. Manipulators use fear for their advantage. The worst part is that fear is never real. It’s all in our heads.

Let me not even touch on the pandemic we recently experienced. That was crazy…

Paranoia is a fear as well. It’s fear of being accostedof being attacked…of eminent danger. Again preventing you from living peacefully.

Fear manifests in so many ways. It may also be what prevents you from falling deeply in love…maybe because of fear of getting hurt or fear of suffering. Maybe the fear of having your heart torn to pieces? Which of course it’s NOT unfounded!

As with any attachment, I think that if you fall in love, you will suffer at one point or another…pretty much guaranteed. But…what’s a little pain?…a little drama here and there? I think it is super scary but definitely exhilarating! Sort of like a roller coaster ride. 😏

The question is…is it worth it to face that fear?…it will probably be a bit like jumping off that mountain side or crossing that damn bridge!

YES, definitely worth it❣️




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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