It May Be Time To Shed My Skin.
Is it time to shed my skin? The “skin” is just an analogy for change within or renewal. It’s believed that human beings go through a change every seven years. If you think about it… the first seven years you are pretty much a baby. Those first seven years of life are transformative, and I believe mark you for the rest of your life. Then you become a child.
Seven years later at 14, you emerge a teenager; and then seven years later grow to be an adult of 21. It becomes more subtle as you grow older but you do go through changes. I know that at 35 I noticed a shift… like if it was then, that I came to know who I truly was.
Perhaps, the number seven is the key. Seven years ago I changed my life completely. I shed my skin and grew a new radiant skin. A skin that feels right. It could be that I now know my perfect size; therefore my skin doesn’t feel tight anymore. I have room to move in it.
I’m thinking that it could be that relationships also go through a change every seven years or so. Ergo “the seven year itch”. I recall that when my ex and I had been married seven years, we actually planned a romantic trip to St. Thomas to beat out the seven year itch… we actually said that. Hum… it is funny that only seven years later, we were concerned that we were going stale. The truth is that it had been stale from the beginning. I was like buying an old loaf of bread that never tastes quite right… however, you find ways to eat it…you can toast it, make French toast, use it for bread pudding, or feed it to the ducks. We pretty much invented and reinvented in an attempt to make it work. Well… kudos for trying.
Change, personal or not, is always good. It’s the spice of life. Change within ourselves is powerful. It feels like a new era is dawning for me and I look forward to whatever change comes my way… and the best part is that I’m so very comfortable in my skin.