Mind Correction

2 min readApr 9, 2023


«If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place» Lao Tzu

I asked myself “What exactly did Lao Tzu mean by that?”; and “How do we correct the mind?” Because the mind is a very tricky thing.

It stands to reason that this could turn out to be a very scary process. It may mean that you must challenge yourself; maybe question your beliefs, revise your choices, accept what you might be denying; and face your insecurities and or fears.

You may ask… all in the quest for what?. What is it that you seek and must you find in order to achieve this mind correction?

Then I had this epiphany …what we seek and must have is “clarity”. I believe that Lao Tzu was referring to clarity. Because unless you are clear about what you want, there is no way that your life can move forward.

It was Maria Forleo, the American entrepreneur known for her advise books that said, clarity comes from taking action not from thinking about it… she is right! Lao Tzu definitely had it right too. However, it is also true that one can’t put the cart before the horse.

What I mean is that it is all connected. It follows a path. In order to correct the mind, one must first find clarity. But clarity comes from taking action… not from thinking about it. Therefore it follows that one must dare to act.

«He who dares might lose his footing for a time… but he who doesn’t will definitely lose himself».

This particular phrase resonates tremendously within me. I can in fact attest to it.

Do you see how that works? It all reduces to that…Action. Daring to act. Take action; in doing so, the path will suddenly become clear; and then your life will fall into place.

Safe journey!




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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