There is a popular belief and a phrase that goes something like this: “no one likes change”; or else “nobody changes”; but…is that really true? Is change good or bad? Are we capable of change?
If you analyze change, you will realize that it is actually what we seek. It is a good thing. It is what excites us. Even in the political arena the word “Change” will and has toppled governments. It brings with it a powerful connotation.
Everything in nature undergoes change and we humans are part of nature. The “changing of the leaves” between the fall and winter announces the change of seasons. It also signifies the renewal of that tree come the spring.
We are fascinated by the metamorphic process that begins with a microscopic egg from which a caterpillar is born…then observing that caterpillar eat its way for the next two weeks to a complete change. We watch it as it prepares to encase itself in a cocoon, inside which it will transform into a gorgeous butterfly. I remember reading the well known children’s book by Eric Carle called The Very Hungry Caterpillar; that story felt triumphal because we loved to see that caterpillar become a butterfly! It follows that we teach our children that change can be rewarding. So why would we then resist change?
There is nothing more exciting than the new that always comes with change. You hear phrases like “If it’s not working then change it up!”. That is actually the motto of my life. Yes!
We change jobs to improve our situation or just simply be happier. We change the color of the walls to improve our homes. We change our cars every so often for all sorts of reasons…but we always like it!
The reality is that change is the anthesis of boredom. We are conscious not to wear the same clothes day to day, so we change it. In fact, changing our look usually makes us feel good. We may change schools or teams, always in order to do better.
The thing is that we tend not to like change that is forced upon us. Nevertheless, even if unwanted, we are always undergoing some kind of change. The most important one though is something that the eye cannot see. It’s brought upon by life hitting us unexpectedly. It can be the death of a loved one, a divorce, or a myriad of other experiences that may spur a movement within us. It is an internal change, a spiritual change or a change of mind. A change of attitude. A shift in the point of view. This is what helps us grow as human beings and to become a better partner, a better parent, and a better friend.
That type of change must be allowed to happen. It’s best to embrace opportunities that test the waters of something new. It is important to feel free to go through the metamorphosis that you are meant to experience in this life.
How else will you become your best self? How else will you triumph?