Bananas Don’t Grow On Trees…

5 min readOct 8, 2023


Impressions of my jaunt to the island of Madeira.

Did you know that we know as a Banana palm tree is NOT a tree? I sure didn’t…What is it then?

The passengers cheered when the airplane touched the ground; and then…after a very hard brake…there was a spontaneous applause!😳

When was the last time I had seen that happen? I can’t recall.

Apparently, aside from the wind gusts issue, the runway is also a tad bit short…and I was not aware of it. Ignorance really is bliss! Well, it obviously landed safely; and I was now in Madeira, Portugal. Phew!😅

Many horror stories had found their way to me about that particular landing. So I had even considered discarding the idea of going. However, that adventurous voice inside my head said “Go for it!”…and because I usually listen to that voice since it has never let me down, I did. Boy, am I happy I did!

I had seen photos, heard, and read a bit about it; so I knew it was going to be at least nice; but I was not prepared for the amazing beauty of this place. This little lush island has been an unexpected surprise.

The “Maderenses” are proud of being from here and I think that if they could, they would emancipate from mainland Portugal.😄 They call their island “the floating island of the Atlantic”… and I have to say that it really is!

Breathtaking trails in the lushest mountains I’ve ever seen… trails perfumed by Eucalyptus trees, shaded by Laurel trees, adorned by Hortensias, Lantana bushes, and pink Bella Donna flowers that just pop up wildly all over. Trails filled with birds…one that even perched to eat from my hand!…moss covered paths…I just can’t say enough!

Passion fruit grows unplanned along the trails; and even a fruit called Pineapple Banana which grows wild and looks like a banana shaped pineapple. The funny thing about this fruit is that it cannot be peeled. It will open up on its own when it’s ready to be eaten. The color and texture is like a banana but it tastes like a pineapple…honestly, it wasn’t my favorite; but it was interesting.

Mountains, mountains, and more mountains…there is virtually no “plateaus”…no flat land. The system of tunnels is very good…so it’s easy and fast to explore the island…from coast to coast.

Then there are places that you best go by «Teleférico» or suspended cable car, up the mountain. Crazy transportation…cable cars, Tuk Tuk, taxi, bus, wicker toboggan ride…take your pick!

For example…I wanted to go to the famous Madeira Botanical Gardens (which are spectacular!) so I headed out. The gardens are high up on top of Funchal…one of my options was to go by cable car all the way up to Monte (highest point) then once I reached the top, take another cable car down to the gardens. Of course I chose that one…I happen to find cable cars fun!…also a bit scary…which makes it even more fun. Whatever…🤷‍♀️

The entire place is just romantic. From the fragrances, to the exaggeration of Kiwi, Sugar Cane, and specially Banana plantations, which cover every available inch of land, to the «levante», a system of moving mountain spring water to irrigate all these plantations on the multitude of natural “terraces” that exist up and down the mountain ranges.

The “levante” has also inadvertently served to create a multitude of lush hiking trails. Just amazing!

Funchal is the capital and largest metropolis. Most of the population lives there. It sits beautifully framed between the Atlantic ocean and the mountains. It just goes up and up, and up! So one has an ocean view from pretty much anywhere! It’s home to the super hip «Rua de Santa Maria», a street in the “old town” with its artistically “painted doors”, where you can stroll from restaurant to restaurant…each claiming to be the best.

It’s rich in music venues, cultural events, art displays, elegant architecture, and world class botanical gardens. And I mean…world class…simply spectacular.

Let me not forget to mention the «Carreiros do Monte»…this is a traditional wicker sleigh ride down the mountain in a toboggan-like fashion.

It goes down a narrow road that is shared with other vehicles for about two kilometers or so… the “sleigh” is steered by two men dressed all in white with straw Panama hats…you may be thinking …touristy? Yes! Definitely. But it was fun! Haha!

I loved it all…from East to West and North to South. West to the town of Porto Moniz with its outstanding rock formations and gorgeous natural balnearios or swimming holes.

East to the town of Santana with its traditional, different, and colorful little houses with straw thatched roofs. Also unbeatable hiking trails, where appreciatively, the temperature drops a few degrees, and the vistas are so pretty that one just wonders if it could possibly be real.

Then in Funchal, from the Lido area to the «Camara Los Lobos»…a very romantic, picture perfect, exquisite cove where tons of colorful fishing boats bob unassumingly on the water, and simply create the most beautiful treat for the senses.

There I happened to find the perfect spot to sit and have a drink. Let’s see… decisions decisions…Ponche? Nikita?… or maybe a glass of Coral? I chose Coral…the local beer, and just sat there mesmerized by the view.

Humm…maybe I should have had a glass of Madeira wine! I happen to love a good 20 year Port wine but I also love a good 10 year Madeira…which I now know existed before Port.

Anyways, back to those Banana trees..Did you know that they are actually giant herbs? …I didn’t.

Live and learn!




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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