Anthology of my Pub
As seen through my eyes…
The local bars in my neighborhood are places where I can pretty much know that I am bound to encounter someone that I know or that I have seen before. So even if I go by myself and sit on a stool, I know that I won’t be alone for long.
I know that is true for most local pubs in England, Ireland… and Europe in general. However I am in Miami. As I look around in one of my usual watering holes, I think that many of the same faces are there. Faces without names. They must think the same of me. We might have been introduced some time ago but I didn’t retain the names. That wasn’t important. These are bar acquaintances.
There’s the one the resembles one of the Begees… he is an Argentinian that pretends to be a Spaniard. I believe he thinks that he is the last “coke in the desert”. Nope.
Then there’s the Cuban American guy that always sits in the same spot… definitely an alcoholic. He wears pointy cowboy boots (understand that we live in Miami) and puts his sunglasses on top of his head but over his forehead…even at nighttime. I think he believes it disguises his balding situation. It doesn’t at all; as a matter of fact, I think it highlights it. He also looks a bit green and not healthy to me and I actually worry when he is missing a few days… lol. He is a character…after a few drinks he begins to brag about all the money he made that day… seriously?
Thursdays we call it German night…in the sense that there is a group of German speaking guys that get together for happy hour. There is the tall good looking German Brazilian, one tall and elegant German, and another tall German that is a lawyer and apparently keeps marrying women that have a drinking problem. I said to him that maybe it would be a good idea to search for them anywhere else except the bar!. It seemed logical to me. Also, for some reason there is a Dominican man with a little bit of a lazy eye. But my favorites are two Swiss Germans, one is younger and has a little bit of a “look at me because I’m sexy” look about him, and the other is an adorable, friendly, sexy geeky type with beautiful blue eyes. This is a fun lot. There is always the possibility of ending the evening eating Schnitzel with Potato or Cucumber salad and beer and the local German Austrian place nearby.
Then there’s who I call “the stalker”. He is not really a stalker…maybe I should change it to “the starer”; because he just stares…frankly, it is a bit disturbing.
Oh, I spot Batman and Robin. This is a dynamic duo that consists of a tall Spaniard with broad shoulders and his wingman, a petite unfortunate looking Cuban fellow that is apparently a gourmet chef. He seems to humor the whims of his tall friend since he is the one that gets all the women to talk to them. Actually, if they could be blended together, we would have the perfect man. Robin has all the culture and good conversation while Batman is just a silly man with good looks.
One of my favorites is the Poet. This guy is a trip. I actually enjoy talking to him. He is a male version of me in many ways. He likes to write poetry…actually very sexy poetry.. lol. He travels extensively and by the seat of his pants… pretty much as I do. I enjoy that I never know when I’ll get a call from him telling me “Hey, I beat you to Paris!”.
This place used to have excellent bar service; however, the bartenders now seem to ignore me. Sometimes, I actually feel invisible. I have begun to think that is a power game they are playing. Except if I try to leave without closing the tab… then suddenly they see me very well. Go figure.
Oh, there is megaphone blonde…this is a woman with an extremely loud distinctive and a bit of an unnerving voice. She sits in a corner of the bar and is accompanied as if in stereo by another equally unnerving megaphone mustache speaker across the bar. Thankfully, they don’t know each other.
Foul mouth vaper trio of L’oreal blondes sit to my left. I wish I could record their conversations and then play it back to them. Every other word is a four letter word. Seriously?
Awwww…I spot a new budding romance. She is beautiful with long blond hair and dressed in sexy black. He is definitely drooling over her. Will she give in? I’m very much a romantic at heart… so I hope so!
Then there is my angel. This guy has become a good friend. He is someone that is easy to talk to, safe to be with, and that can be counted on to be around for just a good old time.
I sometimes wonder…what would they write about me and my friends? I guess we could be called Charlie’s Angels… just because we sort of fit the description in a minute way (not the originals…lol) One blond, one brunette, and one brownish blonde. Except that there is no Charlie!
I don’t know about that! But what I do know, is that when the Apple Car Play came on, instead of suggesting “Home” as my destination, it suggested the bar! I wonder…could it be that maybe I’ve been going there too much lately? I would say…Definitely!