Activate Or Procrastinate?

2 min readMay 8, 2023


Procrastinate”- it sometimes sounds like prostate to me. Haha 😆

And just like the “prostate”, procrastination might give you trouble at some point in life. I don’t have one of those… but let’s face it, women have to deal with a lot more than that! However, ours don’t sound like procrastinate.

The reality is that to procrastinate is to live in the future. The trouble with living in the future, is that the future is only in our overactive imagination. It is not real. It doesn’t exist.

Ok, we make plans…after all it cannot be helped. But be aware that when we do, it’s only with the “hope” that it will “transpire”…that it will become a reality.

It’s like a thought or a prayer. This is because life can and will get in the way of our well defined plans. It could also be that our time in this world is up…or our number is called… and that is it!

I sometimes like to say things like “so, how many summers do you think you have left?” It’s a good question to ponder; mainly because it helps to put things like linear time in perspective. Perhaps I’m living my last summer… who the heck knows?

Well, I truly hope not! I have sooo many plans! 😆… and I’m planning on living a long long time!😳

I wonder…should I then procrastinate?…Because I feel that I may live forever?

Only if delusional!

Not me. I prefer to throw away the silly “bucket lists” and create “action lists” instead.

A bucket list is only a list of unrealized and procrastinated dreams, while an action list is a call to action; it’s actionable.

YES, I will always choose to “activate” not “procrastinate” my life.

Recently, a friend said to me that every time we laugh, we add five years to our lives. I thought, GREAT!…because I laugh a lot. I do. I just find the funny side in almost everything. So I said, “Oh boy… I may live forever then!” And of course… we laughed again!…😊Plus 5!

I hope it’s true!!

However since we don’t know for sure, it’s better to stop procrastinatingand just do it already. What is really stopping you?




Written by Tuki

I travel extensively and live my life to the fullest. I keep losing and finding myself. I hope to share my thoughts, lessons learned, and joy of life here.

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