People are born with certain attributes that I choose to call “gifts”. Because gifts are things that you don’t buy for yourself… they are given to you. They could also be viewed as “tools”. Tools that can and will aide you to create the life you want. However… there’s a caveat…you must use them wisely!
Most of us are born with at least one or two of these attributes…if not all. Right off the bat, these five come to my mind: Beauty, Money, Intelligence, Goodness, and Leadership. You may think that they are always blessings…however, I believe that if mishandled, any of these gifts can be dangerous or even a burden.
Let’s talk about… Beauty.
Let us say that one is born beautiful. The gift of beauty is a very big one and I’m only referring to external beauty in this instance. Since the day they are born, pretty people have it easier than those that are not. They are likely to be more popular in school and generally, as adults, doors will open for them easily.
Now… careful with that gift! For example, if you let vanity consume you… you become a slave to your looks. Also, yes you may get the attention… but is it the right attention?
I come from a Cuban background and we are riddled with wise sayings. One goes like this…“La suerte de la fea, la bonita la desea”…loosely translated it says…“the beautiful woman wishes for the luck of the ugly”. There are lots more on this subject… there is one that goes “la bella mariposa tanto voló y voló…que en el cagajón cayó”…which basically says, “the beautiful butterfly 🦋 flew and flew and then landed on shit”. Oh well… I didn’t make these up! and it loses something in the translation. However, they do illustrate what I’m trying to say.
Beautiful is beautiful to be…but sometimes it can make you unapproachable, intimidating, or confuse your life with too many choices. While those that may not enjoy those good looks, may be approached for substance…and they make better matches…ergo those sayings!
This one is a WOW… a must have. Not to be confused with ignorance. Ignorant persons can be taught…and they can learn. However, if you lack intelligence…the possibilities in life severely diminish.
If you are highly intelligent…the danger is to become a “know it all” or go around thinking that you know or are better than everyone else. Sometimes…geniuses have a hard time relating to others. Therefore, if not kept in check, this could adversely affect your life.
The positive aspects of being lucky enough to possess intelligence and to utilize it appropriately should be self explanatory. That is…unless you lack it!! Lol.
Like the song in the classic movie Cabaret song says, “Money makes the world go around… the world go around…the world go around…”.
Let’s face it. It’s great to have it. However, it is a bad thing when it becomes an attachment. When avarice comes into play.
Also, if you are born into money, be careful not to let it become a crutch. Careful not to let that stop you from evolving and being all that you can be as an individual. We must find a purpose in life… or else…
This is what I mean. If you find yourself choosing money over happiness. If you become so attached to your bank account balance that you forget that you can’t take it with you when you die; and that it is there for you to enjoy in this lifetime. Then it is not such a gift.
On the other hand, money should be respected. If managed correctly…it will bring you peace of mind; it will buy you freedom to do what you like. It will enable you to have all the material things that you think you need. Obviously, it will allow you to live a wonderful life. However, I believe it also comes with responsibility. Yes, if one is blessed with this gift…one should try to help those that are not so lucky whenever possible.
That one leads me to…Goodness.
Yes, I believe this to be a gift. I also believe that most of us are born with this gift. We are all most likely born good. Think of a baby…all innocence. I guess the gift is in being able to stay pure in spirit.
If you are a good person then you are someone that people like to be with. You are not envious of others, you are generous with your time and money, and you are probably not judgmental. Now, how could this gift be a bad thing? Well, as with any other attribute, if it is not put into use correctly… it could detract from your happiness.
Let’s say that you are a good person. Therefore, you are probably a giver… not a taker. The problem arises when you are unable to set boundaries when dealing with others. The result is that you end up feeling taken advantage of, taken for granted, or unappreciated.
This is because we tend to see things as we are not necessarily as they really are, being good natured may lead you to excuse behaviors that shouldn’t be excused. Doing this may lead you to accept things and situations that will make you unhappy in the long run. Yes, I guess one shouldn’t be too good!
On Leadership…A leader must lead.
This one is very interesting because it is rare. Let’s face it; followers are many. Leaders are few.
This “gift” can be dangerous if it runs amuck.
People with this attribute will be filled with purpose in life. They are decision makers. The thing is that it can also, for example, create dictators or feelings of entitlement.
In the same vein, it can make for wonderful leaders of countries, enterprises, or PTA groups.
Leaders are doers not dreamers. They have little patience for ambiguity. They most likely hate the word maybe. They will simply take charge.
The trouble here arises when the role is not really accepted. When this happens, you may end up feeling taken for granted. If you have this attribute you must accept it without complaint because that is the way it is. You like to be in control. Accept it.
This gift may potentially cause trouble in relationships; especially if you are a woman; also maybe in friendships.
So you see, not everything is as simple as it may seem. This is why envy doesn’t make any sense. The reality is that unless you walk one mile on someone else’s shoes, you really don’t know what trials and tribulations they are having to endure.
The grass truly looks greener from the other side. So do be careful what you wish for!