About Religion…😳
I’m not what one would call religious in the sense that I don’t follow any organized religion.
However, I do like to visit different church services around town and even sometimes when I travel,… just for the experience. “Have you ever attended a service in Thai?” Veeery interesting. Of course, I really couldn’t understand one word! But…as a “student” on human behavior, I actually find it fascinating.
There is one church in particular that I find is probably the most inclusive and diverse I’ve ever been to.
I happen to love the energy of the people that attend. The music is super inspiring…even recording artists and participants on shows like The Voice show up once in a while. I usually leave that place feeling very connected to everyone and everything around me. I can’t help it!🤷♀️
This church is into everything spiritual…from Yoga to Reiki. Anyone who is anyone in the motivational world visits here. I’ve met Shamans and also authors like Katie Byron, Neale Donald Walsh, Don Miguel Ruiz, Deepak Chopra… just to name a few. It seems that people from every conceivable religion and background attend services there.
At the end of each service, we all hold hands creating a human chain and sing the “Peace Song” to the top of our voices… 🎶“Let there be peace on earth…and let it begin with me…”🎶🎵….as we sort of sway from side to side…culminating in everyone hugging each other…
Very very very cheesy… but I happen to secretly love it!😂
Another favorite church offers a rock band…so I like it because I get to dance!.
However, it is a bit more dogmatic…which I actually think makes it a lot more fun to observe.
Once in a while, they will offer “baptisms on the spot”. For this they have built a pool suspended on top of the center stage. This is where those that want to be baptized that day are dipped from head to toe…as the whole place sings, applauds, and rejoices. It’s nice to watch people so inspired and happy!
This church is big on using electronic media to illustrate the chosen topic of that particular Sunday. They may do this by playing favorite movie clips that relate to the subject matter on huge screens in the back of the stage.
I never knew that learning about Bible stories could be so entertaining! It is a plus that the Pastor is a great storyteller and that everyone is so welcoming and nice.
I have noticed that no matter which church I choose to go to from time to time, the messages are the same, the people want the same things, and worry about the same things. All that is ever preached is goodness and light.
I know persons that are reluctant to even attend a church service that is unfamiliar to them. It may be that it simply holds no interest for them…and I respect that. However, some are actually afraid to…
This, of course, brings me back to the great evil called Fear. Fear of the unknown; which in my humble view, leads to ignorance… which in turn, is the culprit of all religious conflicts and judgements in this world of ours.🥲
Now, I have that song stuck in my head…!
🎵🎶 Let there be peace on earth…and let it begin with me …🎶 laa laa la la la la…🙄