For many years, I lived with a guy whose moods seemed to be mercurial. By that I mean, that he could be explosive, taciturn, sarcastic, funny, and cynical…etc…all in just one day.
As a matter of fact…I grew up with one!
It made me anxious and it created stress in me to the point where I felt I was walking on eggshells around him. Mainly because I didn’t know when something was going to trigger him into a mood that I didn’t enjoy or understood. Most of the time I wished that I wasn’t there or that he wasn’t there. In fact, I became an expert avoider.
So…why did I also marry one?
The answer is always the same…It must have felt familiar to me.
However, it seems that he’s not the only one. As a matter of fact, there seems to be a revolving door in my life that is marked “Moody People Enter Here”…😂
The problem is that I think that most people are moody and an even bigger problem is….that I’m not.
That presents a challenge for me because I strive to live life by following the four agreements as outlined by Don Miguel Ruiz in his book called “The Four Agreements”. Four very simple rules that make my life happier. These are:
Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take anything personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best.
Super simple!
So when forced to interpret the mood swings on others, the second and third agreements always come into question. One being “Don’t take anything personally”…the other is “ Don’t assume anything” … believe me it sounds easier than what it truly is!
The trouble most of the time, is that I will malinterprete the reason why the mood is even there. Therefore…I may end up taking it personally; even though it may, and most probably, had nothing to do with me.
However, since I’m not told this… because of course…the mood doesn’t permit it, I just end up feeling (or assuming) that I must have done something to upset him or her. In short, that I must have said or done something that triggered that particular mood.
It definitely tests these two agreements!
I’m not someone who suffers from bad temper or from depression. I actually find humor in most things; and for the most part, I’m pragmatic and also very patient. Summarily, I am blessed with an even keel temperament; so my mood is generally always the same. It stands to reason that I just don’t get those who are not like me.
So when faced with the moody…I just end up feeling bad and it will ruin my day. Then I will end up resenting it because I obviously did nothing to cause it.
In fact, it will get me in a terrible MOOD ! …and yes!…they can even take it personally…because they wouldn’t be assuming it…AT ALL !
Oh well…🥹