About Life’s Twists And Turns…And Car Trouble…
I believe that a twig will always reach calmer waters if it just floats without resistance.
This was illustrated to me yesterday. Sunday began as any other…sort of boring…and then life got in the way… or my car did.
Do you know that feeling that you get when the car decides NOT to turn on? Like it’s dead. I had just left a service that I sometimes like to attend on Sundays, I was feeling all “zennie” and WHAM! There went my zen.
However, taking things in stride, I called my friend that lives nearby. She and her boyfriend showed up and jumped started my car. YAY! Problem resolved in under 20 minutes.
Because I’m an optimist, I chose to believe that maybe I had inadvertently drained the battery, and decided to take my 90 and 91 years old parents for a ride with me to an orchid farm about 40 minutes away. I figured that that lengthy ride would be enough for the battery to recharge itself. But apparently Murphy was with me…and with the lemony car too…because it died on me again! Only, this time, I had my elderly parents in tow.
I said… “just sit there… help will show up”. Because I knew it would…it always does. Well, it came so quickly that it beat the Uber I had called for my parents. I took my parents back home and set to find somewhere that carried my battery, and that was open on a Sunday. It took only one call and I found it… I had 25 minutes to get there and I was only 5 minutes away. EASY!
Since I hadn’t eaten at all, I decided to stop and buy myself a protein bar at a convenience store that was on the way. After all I did have time.
OF COURSE, I did NOT turn off the car this time! I’m not an idiot! (🙄)
Protein bar in hand I got back in the car and…I hate to say it… but…I swear…it was a mistake …purely by “rote”, I pressed the ignition button… and yes; you guessed it… the f**ing car turned off! I just couldn’t BELIEVE it… Maybe I AM an idiot. LOL.
This was the third time in less than 4 hours! But, as luck would have it, there was a group of policemen in the store. A young, very cute officer, resolved my situation in under 5 minutes. I was getting good at this!! Hahaha 🤪
Amazingly, I made it to the service center before it closed.
It goes to show that life is a bit like white water rafting, and as such, it will have unexpected twists, dips, and turns; but with a little pushing off the obstacles, and a bit of help from nice people…pretty much like a twig floating in the ocean without putting up resistance, things always go my way. So much for my boring Sunday!